Transformers The Game Free Download | Chipo Game Zone

Transformers Game Overview

Transformers Game is based on the aliens. Who came to the world earth to protect the human race from their other unlawful creations. In this game there are a lot of characters. and each character has its own power. They also dont want to show their identity to other humans. They put a disguise and transformed in to auto mobiles. The story line of this game is amazing. It starts from the start and tells you each and everything that what happened. The villain of this game is not a fictional character from this movie. and all the members of auto bots have to stop this evil power to destroy the earth. You can transform into cars and robots at any time. and I think this is the best feature added in it. Because it looks graphically amazing when they transform. This is an addictive game. Because now you will know what kind of weapons and technology does auto bots use. and also that there is a lot of other features added in the game. Which are not the movie or comic books.

Transformers Game Features

Following are the features ofTransformers.
  • The best visual and graphical effects
  • The story line of the game is amazing
  • The weapons introduced in the game are more advanced
  • The fighting scenario is amazing
  • The transformation is graphically made realistic

System Requirements

Below are theMinimum system requirements of Transformers.
  • Operating System:Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8 and 8.1
  • CPU: 2.1GHz Dual Core
  • RAM: 3 GB
  • Hard Disk: 10GB